
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I Can't Stand it When...

Certain things just really get under my skin.  I will admit that perhaps I have a longer-than-average list of pet peeves. 

Maybe I need to work on tolerance. 

In the meantime, here are a few things that make me want to bang my head against the wall.

1.  Rihanna.  With this chick, the hits just keep on coming.  Her songs are just so-so.  I don't care if the PR machine calls her fashion choices fresh and edgy.  I personally think she usually looks like a freak.  Now, it seems she is back together with the idiot (whose name I refuse to utter) who beat her so badly she had to skip the Grammy's a couple of years ago.  What a message to send to our daughters.  Honey, you can deny that you're a role model, but it comes with the territory.

(Deep breath.  Maybe I should have built up to that one.)

2.  People who can't say no.  It has come to my attention that there are people who have such a hard time saying no, they will actually avoid giving an answer at all.  Do you really think it's better to leave people hanging, than to just say, "Sorry, but I won't be able to make it?"  Seriously, people, unless you ALWAYS say no, your true friends won't mind if you have to turn them down on occassion.

3.  Passive-aggressiveness.  Sort of goes along with #2, in that both generally boil down to being a wuss.  If you have something to say, for Pete's sake, just come out with it.  You will feel much better and the target of your frustration won't have to waste time wondering who pee-peed in your Wheaties.

4.  Failure to take responsibility for the direction your life has taken.  Let me start with a caveat -- a small minority of people actually have reason to feel sorry for themselves.  However, I have found that these people usually aren't the ones who wallow.  It's the people who make one bad decision after another, then sit around and whine about how they have no man and no job and think the world is out to get them.  Choose to learn from your past instead of letting it hold you captive.  If you haven't figured it out yet, whining is getting you nowhere.

5.  Fried turkey.  Okay, so I really just wanted to end with something lighter, since I was getting a tense.  And this picture is priceless!  But seriously, turkey is one of the few delicious treats that is actually healthy.  Did we really need to find a way to soak it in grease so it, too, could be artery clogging?  Only in America.

Ahhhh.  Now I feel better.  Feel free to vent in the comments about your own things that make you say "hmmm."

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