
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Survivor: The Elevator Edition

Last night as I left work, a nice little power surge left me stuck in the elevator for a few minutes.  Fortunately, one of my law partners, Scott, was stuck with me, so there was very little freak-out factor.  Scott is very resourceful and I assumed that if it came down to it, he could fashion some sort of device to free us using his shoelace, a ceiling tile and my iPad charger.
Plus, when you work in an historical (a/k/a "old") building, you start getting used to little elevator blips. 

Our trusty security guard was able to free us in just a few minutes, but not before I started worrying that I had not brought snacks.  This got me to thinking I need a plan in the event I ever get stuck overnight.  This is what I came up with:

1.  Take an inventory of the food and drinks my fellow prisoners and I have with us.  I know they say a person can survive for several days without food and water, but I get very cranky when I'm hungry.  My crankiness could lead my fellow prisoners to declare mutiny and attempt to murder me with a pocket knife.  Not the way I want to go.

2.  Establish a pee corner.  This was actually Scott's idea, borrowed from Dwight on The Office, but it's a very necessary part of the plan.  Imagine if there is no plan and people just start relieving themselves willy nilly.  (See what I did there?)  Such anarchy cannot be tolerated if the new government is going to work.  Which leads me to...

3.  Choose the leaders.  The weaker-minded will need someone to tell them what to do.  Trust me on this.  You don't want these people melting down in a 6'x6' box or you'll be looking for that pocket knife.

4.  Create entertainment.  The entertainment will keep me from getting cranky (see #1) and will keep the pansies from freaking out (see #3).  I recommend a little hand-jive choreography.

5.  Prepare for whatever may be awaiting me upon my eventual release from the elevator prison.  I mean, the elevator could have stopped due to a power failure or it could have been stopped by apocalyptic zombies.  Do you really want to take a chance?  Not I, my friend.

Hopefully I will never have to enact this plan, but in the event it becomes necessary, I will be prepared.  Also, I'm going to throw some beef jerky and Twizzlers in my bag.  Just in case.

Letting my freak flag fly,


  1. Justino Luis Smith y Anderson Del Rosario De Todos Los Santos y De La CruzMarch 28, 2012 at 3:53 PM

    Loved reading this. The best way to preserve your sanity is by NOT getting on the elevator with unpleasant or weird people. It is one thing to be stuck in an elevator....quite another to be stuck in an elevator with folks you would never ever ever invite to your birthday party.

    1. And that's why I love you - you and I think alike, even if no one else thinks like us!
